People are the heart, soul, engine of any organisation. A great business can flounder with the wrong people and a simple business can outstrip competitors with the right team. What does your team look like? Is every person a gem? Is every person raising the level of the business? Unfortunately, for so many of us, the answer to most of these questions, is a resounding NO. But why settle for that?
Jim Collins and his book “Good to Great” coined the fabulous “bus” analogy- the primary message hinging on the best recruiting strategies. Here’s a little Good Great Jim Collins summary:
(check out our article: “Awesome Interview Techniques”)
I suggest you start by considering your major goals. Map out an organogram that would propel you forward. Don’t you dare even bring into consideration the current layout of the team or who the people are in those roles, not even yourself…and certainly not your current boss (if you are in an organization). And don’t let budgets constrain you either. That’s right. How would it look like if you were starting from scratch and had no limitations. Keep in mind “Jim Collins good great BUS”. And have courage. I did this once and it can be awkward! But if you can be totally objective, and your proposal is right for the business, the right people, will get it 😉
Click here to read the follow up article on the power of restructuring and how to do it right.
I’ve spent the last 10 years working in digital marketing and ecommerce. I’ve been the agency, the client, and lectured and trained 1000’s of people. I have a passion for training and development, smart, simple marketing...and running and wine...not at the same time :)